

发布时间: 2024-05-10 11:54:35北京青年报社官方账号





As the rule of law is promoted in rural areas, the country has seen the rise of a new generation of farmers who have a deeper understanding of democracy, said Xu Yong, a professor at the China Institute of Rural Studies at Central China Normal University.


As time goes on, the global aviation market will tilt toward the Asia-Pacific region, where India's market size ranking will rise to the third spot from seventh in the world and Indonesia's to fifth from tenth, said Hou Kan, regional director of airport, passenger, cargo and security of IATA North Asia.


As the company explained, most of their recruitment this year will take place in the operations departments such as brokerage and asset management. Online or phone interviews were taken during the coronavirus outbreak and nearly 10 positions had been filled by the beginning of April. By the end of this year, the company's headcount will reach 200, up from 120 at present.


As with most of these patents, it’s not clear when or even whether Amazon plans to roll out the technology publicly. The company first applied for the patent in 2008, so the idea isn’t a new one inside the company.?Excerpts from the patent filing …


As the private sector has become the main contributor to job creation and technological innovation and an important source of tax revenue today, the sector will not only play a critical role in developing the market economy, transforming government functions, transferring surplus rural labor and exploring the international market, but also push the progress of the supply-side structural reform, seeking high-quality development and building a modernized economy.


